Transfer a folio
If you want to give ownership of your folio to someone else, whether it’s a colleague, client or whoever you need, you can do so from the 3-dot menu, both from the editor and your dashboard when hovering the folio you want to transfer.
- Select “Transfer” folio from the 3-dot menu.
- If you want to transfer to someone inside your team, you can select them from the dropdown.
- To transfer your folio to someone not on your team you can select “Transfer to someone outside your team” and type in the email of the person you’d like to transfer the folio to and a message for them.
- Click “Transfer”.
Here are other ways you can share folios:
- Publish and Share the folio as a live web link.
- Present the folio as a digital slideshow.
- Export a PDF or PNG.
- Embed it on your own website.
- Collaborate on folios with team members and guests.