Task list module
The task list module is essentially a kanban list you can add into any of your folios.
- Add task descriptions by clicking in each list and typing.
- Add new items to the list by selecting the + icon on the menu at the top left of the module.
- Change item status by selecting the status option on the left of each list item – then choose next, in progress, or completed.
- You can show or hide the status and progress bar from the 3-dot “more” option at the menu on the top left of the task list.
- Duplicate the module, add new ones and move task items between lists. If you’re collaborating on a folio that includes task lists or have shared the link to the folio, anyone who views the document will see the most recent updates to your task items.
Add a new task list module by clicking on the task list icon in the default toolbar state, dragging the task list module icon from the toolbar into the content of your folio, or by clicking the red + icon and “add module” at the top left of the edit screen.
Here are other things you can do with modules using the menu at the top left of each content block: